What are the arrival and departure times at the Dakota Dunes Resort?
Rooms and suites at the Dakota Dunes Resort are guaranteed for 3:00 pm. However, you can arrive earlier to enjoy our facilities. Check out time is 11:00 am, but you still have access to the site for the rest of the day.
How much does a late check out cost?
$20 + tax per hour after 11:00 am
Note that this service is subject to availability the same day.
What is the cancellation policy of the Dakota Dunes Resort?
Cancel without penalty 24 hours before the date of your arrival.
For our packages, the cancellation policy is 72 hours before the date of your arrival.
For our advance purchase rates, they are non-cancellable, non-refundable, non-modifiable and non-transferable.
How can I change my booking?
At any time, you can contact us to change your reservation, either by phone at 306-668-1888 or by email at:
When do we have to pay for our stay?
When you arrive, we will ask you to pay the cost of your stay and a deposit of $200 for incidentals either by credit card, debit card or in cash (except for prepaid offers). We accept VISA, MasterCard, and American Express Credit Cards.
Can I pay for my reservation without a credit card?
Upon reservation, the credit card is necessary. If you want to pay cash, it is possible. You will only have to pay the entire stay and leave a cash or debit deposit of $200 (for rooms) or $250 (for suites) that we will refund on departure if you have no additional expenses.
How can I stay informed about all your promotions and specials for the Dakota Dunes Resort?
The best way to keep abreast of all our promotions, including exclusive discounts and specials, is by joining our eClub. You can also follow our Facebook page or our Instagram account, where we regularly update our guests on upcoming promotions.
Is Dakota Dunes Resort a Pet Friendly Hotel?
All guestrooms on the 2nd floor are pet-friendly rooms. The resort accepts 2 dogs per room, all sizes are welcome. Each four-legged guest will get a dog bed, food and water bowl and a treat bag per stay. A cleaning fee of $50 per stay, per dog, will be added to the bill to ensure the room receives a deep clean upon departure.
Please note that for hygienic reasons, cats, birds, reptiles, ferrets, etc. are not accepted.